Note to the Mainstream Media

Peter S. Lee
Let Us Be Wise
Published in
2 min readAug 20, 2017


Dear Mainstream Media, this is what the news looked like last weekend from our point of view:

President Trump: We condemn in the strong possible terms this egregious display of hatred, bigotry and violence on many sides.

Media & Others: No! No! That’s not good enough! You didn’t NAME those at fault!

President Trump’s Spokeperson: Of COURSE President Trump denounces the KKK, the Neo Nazis AND White Supremacists.

Media & Others: No! No! That’s not good enough! You have to say it IN PERSON YOURSELF!

President Trump: “Racism is evil and those who cause violence in its name are criminals and thugs. Including the KKK, neo-nazis, and white supremacists and other hate groups that are repugnant to everything we hold dear as Americans”

Media & Others: No! No! That’s not good enough! You weren’t sincere! It was too short of a statement! You only said that because we all screamed that you hadn’t!

You know, I agree that it would have been much better if the President had named the groups directly in his FIRST message. Unfortunately for you, you overplayed your hand when you made it clear to everyone that you would have (and in fact did) scream about ANYTHING AND EVERYTHING he said.

The fact is that he SHOULD have lead with a firm denouncement.

The fact is he corrected the mistake in days (as versus years).

The fact is you have now PROVEN that you never had any intention other than complaining about a President you can’t stand personally.

The fact is those affected are more in need of our energy and support than you are in need of trying to score political points through your own hypocrisy.

By all means, point out when he makes a mistake, as he did in this case. But for heaven’s sake, spare us your over-amplification and faux indignation.

And while you are at it…grow up…

